Stars & Artists: James Hetfield, Metallica, & Mars in Libra
James Hetfield was born in Los Angeles, California on August 3rd, 1963 at 6:16PM. He is best known as the frontman, co-founder, and principal songwriter of the legendary band Metallica who spearheaded the thrash metal movement of the 1980's.
James Hetfield was born with Mars in Libra in the 10th whole-sign house of career and legacy. Ordinarily, Mars in Libra is considered a difficult placement, but Hetfield’s life is a great example of a debilitated planet put to good use. Many highpoints of his musical career correspond to moments when his Mars was activated either by annual profections or by transit.
James Hetfield’s natal chart. Note Mars at 4° Libra in 10H
Libra is a Venus-ruled sign associated with the arts. The charts of musicians often have prominent Libra placements so it makes sense that James would establish his legacy by spearheading a popular band. Mars’ presence here steers that artistic output in a decidedly aggressive direction. Mars, after all, is the patron of heavy metal. Therefore, the substance of James’ work is Venusian (creating art, bringing people together), but he does so with Martial tools (distorted guitars and growling vocals).
The first time the 10th House is activated by annual profections is at age 9. At 9 years old, James learned to play his first instrument: piano. At age 14, James began playing his older brother’s guitar and some time the next year, he started jamming with his brother and friends. At the time, he was in a 4th House profection year. Since James’ whole-sign 4th House is Aries, his natal Mars placement was activated. Interestingly, the 4th House is at the base of the chart, and they primarily jammed in their basement (Sabina).
Metallica was formed in 1981 after James responded to an ad that drummer Lars Ulrich placed in a newspaper called The Recycler that read: “Drummer looking for other metal musicians to jam with, Tygers of Pan Tang, Diamond Head and Iron Maiden" (MTV). They met in May 1981 when Saturn was retrograde in Libra and conjunct James’ Mars.
However, the band officially started on October 28, 1981 once Saturn was moving direct. The Sun was also conjunct James’ MC at 4° Scorpio in the 11th House of Groups and Friends. Like the 10th House, the MC is also associated with career and vocation. In a whole-sign house system, the MC can float around the top hemisphere of a chart, drawing in significations from the house it falls into career and vocation. The placement of James’ Mars-ruled MC in the 11th House manifests in the fact that Metallica’s success rests upon James and Lars’ lifelong friendship.
James Hetfield's natal chart with an outer wheel showing the transits for October 28, 1981. Note the Jupiter opposition.
After recruiting a bassist and another guitarist, Metallica played their first gigs and recorded “Hit the Lights” for the Metal Massacre 1 compilation, generating a lot of buzz in the underground metal scene (MTV).
On July 6, 1982, Metallica recorded the No Life ‘Til Leather demo which sent further ripples through the tape-trading circuits. It also attracted the attention of producer Jon Zazula who later financed the band’s first studio album Kill ‘Em All. Unbelievably, July 6 was the day of a Mars-Saturn conjunction in Libra opposite James’ Jupiter in Aries - a powerful act of Venusian malefica that summoned a big opportunity.
James Hetfield’s chart plus an outer wheel for July 6, 1982. Note the Mars-Saturn conjunction at 15° Libra.
One of the most literal manifestations of James’ Mars is the release of Metallica’s fourth album ...And Justice For All on August 25, 1988. Libra is the sign of the Scales. Its corresponding Tarot card Justice is typically depicted as a judge holding scales and a sword. In an act of shocking synchronistic literalism, James designed the album cover, choosing to depict Lady Justice holding a sword & scales.
Metallica’s …And Justice For All
The album was released on Aug 25, 1988, the day before Mars stationed retrograde in Aries. The Sun-Mars opposition at the middle of this Mars retrograde happened at 5° Libra-Aries, less than a degree away from James’ Mars. Unlike previous releases, Justice’s lyrics focused on political injustices, corruption, discrimination, and environmental issues. Musically, it was Metallica’s most progressive album, featuring long and complex compositions (Wikipedia).
Retrogrades often signify reversals in direction. Interestingly, ...And Justice For All was the last true thrash album the band every released. Its follow-up, The Black Album, was Metallica’s most commercially successful record. But it also marked a significant departure from their original sound, as they moved in a more radio-friendly direction (Ghost).
Metallica continues to tour internationally to this day, having become one of the most influential and successful bands, not just in metal, but in the entire history of music so far.
...“...And Justice for All (Album).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 13 Jan. 2024,
Ghost. “Metallica Album Sales - Ranking Their Best-Selling Albums and Musical Legacy.” Metalhead Community, 19 June 2020,,more%20than%2030%20million%20copies.
Hammer, Metal. “Metallica’s Hetfield on His Past with the Piano.” BLABBERMOUTH.NET, Metal Hammer, 8 May 2009,
“Metallica Timeline.” MTV: Icon, MTV, 2007,
Sabina. “James Hetfield Biography.” Geocities: James Hetfield Biography, Sabina.Metallica, 2001,